Signature Program: Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention

The Signature Program’s goal is to increase awareness of and help prevent the widespread occurrence of violence against women in communities across the nation—and the globe. Areas of focus include Intimate Partner Violence, Child Abuse, Teen Dating Violence, Campus Sexual Assault, Elder Abuse, Violence Against Native American Women, Military Sexual Assault, and Human Trafficking.


  • Toiletries for battered women’s shelters
  • Glendale YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter
  • Donating used cell phones that are refurbished for battered women
  • Toys, Items, Hygiene kits for the homeless/women’s shelters/abused children

Juniors’ Special Program: Advocates for Children

GFWC Juniors’ Special Program: Advocates for Children is designed to encourage all woman’s, Junior Woman’s, Juniorette, and International Affiliate Clubs to make a difference in the life of a child by being an advocate. The Program was envisioned as a way for clubwomen to provide a voice for children and to teach and encourage parents and other caregivers to advocate for children at the grassroots level.


  • YWCA After School Program
  • Recognized children’s positive attributes during Absolutely Incredible Kid Day
  • Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts
  • Operation Smile –-mission support & donations
  • Project Child Save 
  • Operation Christmas Child (send shoe boxes filled with items)
  • Shane’s Inspiration
  • Prom Plus