Some of our Projects Include:
- Pennies for Pines (acres of trees planted in Calif. National forests)
- Wildlife Waystation
- Theodore Payne Foundation
- Glendale Crescenta V.O.I.C.E.
- The Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy, Rosemont Preserve
- National Arbor Day
- Foothill & Glendale Grafitti & Paint Out & Clean Up
- Pasadena & Glendale Humane Society collections/support
- National Wildlife Federation donation
- DELTA Rescue
- Sea Otter & Dolphin protection
- Animal Shelters (towels & blankets)
- Recycling at home, club meetings, & events & disposed of used batteries properly
- Observing Arbor Day, Earth Day, Keep America Beautiful Month, National Park Week
- Penny Pines (Conservation Project that replaces damaged pine trees in our National Forests)
- TUBFRIM (Cancelled Postage Stamps collection –sent through Sons of Norway)
- Beeve Foundation & Lion’s Club (retired eyeglasses)
- Generosity Water