Thanks to everyone who participates in our Environment Projects, we make a splendid, positive effect on the environment and we reflect growth each year with the Recycle Program. Our Club Team Members gather the items and send them off to the appropriate organizations. Please contact us if you have questions or need assistance with getting those items to us. THE FOLLOWING ARE ITEMS WE COLLECT THROUGHOUT THE YEAR.


When you receive envelopes in the mail with postage stamps, please remember La Crescenta Woman’s Club! 

We collect and send to Stamps for the Wounded (SFTW) which is a service organization dedicated to providing comfort and stimulating activity to U.S. veterans through stamp collecting. SFTW sends donated postage stamps and other philatelic material and supplies to wounded, ill, and isolated veterans. SFTW has been helping veterans since 1942.
Please save cancelled stamps and/or the envelopes for LCWC.  Please cut off the cancelled stamps with a ½” outline. Tearing off stamps destroys about 50% of the stamps collected making them unusable and it also wastes your time. If you find yourself too busy for cutting just gather the envelopes for us. 

Stamps on envelopes and postcards, which are more than five years old, are more valuable to collectors.  Save the entire envelope or card, to keep it originally  intact. We have donated some envelopes and postcards, which dated back to the late 1930’s and ’40’s.

Collect Postage stamps, whether they are on paper or off paper, and Postage stamps from the USA or from any other country in the world.
Collect Postal stationary: envelopes with pre-printed “stamps”; postal cards with a pre-printed “stamp”; aerogrammes. These should not be clipped, they are more collectible as entire pieces.
Collect Philatelic material from stamp collections.


We save eyeglasses and sunglasses for the Lions Club Eyeglass Recycling Center. 

Refractive errors can be easily corrected with eyeglasses, yet millions living in low and middle income countries lack access to basic eye care services. Lions have recognized the urgent need for corrective lenses and collect usable glasses in their communities to support the Lions Recycle For Sight Program. The glasses are sorted to determine those that are usable or unusable, processed, and placed in inventory for distribution to optical missions around the world. Lions help to minimize landfill waste by supporting precious metal reclamation and scrap processing for damaged glasses that are unusable.    We do not collect eyeglass holders at this time.

EGG CARTONS (12 count cardboard only)

LCWC members participate in the collection of food and items for The Bailey Human Care Food Distribution Center. 

The Bailey Human Care Food Distribution Center, a free community outreach program of the Tujunga United Methodist Church, 9901 Tujunga Canyon, has been providing services to the local community since 1981.  It is an entirely volunteer run organization that serves over 200 needy families and individuals a week. The Center is currently in desperate need of food with an extreme need for spaghetti sauce, cereal, canned vegetables and soup. Also needed are clean plastic bags.  We also collect for them the 12 count (cardboard only) egg cartons.


Members gather items for animals as an ongoing project, such as blankets and towels, to take them to local animal shelters during the year. Some beneficiaries of these items have been the Pasadena & Glendale Humane Society & DELTA Rescue. Let us know if you have any of these items and you would like to donate them.


We collect all occasion greeting cards (fronts only) for St. Jude’s Ranch for Abandoned and Abused Children.

St. Jude’s Ranch for Children recycles your used greeting card fronts and they create new holiday and all-occasion greeting cards. Recycled cards are sold (10 to a box for $10) to support their programs and services for abused, neglected and homeless children, young adults and families. The program is beneficial to everyone – customers receive fun, “green” holiday or other occasion cards they can feel good sending to their friends and loved ones, and the children at St. Jude’s Ranch receive payment for their work and learn basic job skills and the importance of recycling.


Recycle your printer ink cartridges with La Crescenta Woman’s Club

Our Planet Green Recycle code is 32130

Almost every American household and business has a printer. Unfortunately, millions of ink cartridges are thrown away each day.  Please help La Crescenta Woman’s Club earn money while reducing this toxic waste from ending up in our landfills.

Planet Green Recycle is free, and there are no obligations. Our program is simple. La Crescenta Woman’s Club gets paid when individuals mail-in their used ink cartridges from their homes or offices. (Toners are NOT accepted)  Just Request a free USPS shipping label on use our Program I.D. Code 32130 and mail-in your used inks (4 or more). It’s that easy!

If you would prefer that we mail the cartridge(s) for you, please drop off at our Clubhouse by our back door in our recycling collection box and/or contact us.


For proper disposal of dead batteries, please keep the battery size small, palm size only. (no automobile batteries).

Every battery saved by LCWC members creates a greener world! Dead battery recycling is one of our Club activities aiming to reduce the number of batteries being disposed as municipal solid waste. 

Please tape the 9-volt male side to avoid fires.

Batteries are used to power countless numbers of devices for consumer and industrial products. The downside, however, is that no matter what type, batteries will wear out and need to be replaced. Unfortunately, many discarded batteries containing a number of heavy metals and toxic chemicals are finding their way to the landfills causing concerns over contamination and water pollution. In California it is illegal to throw any type of battery (including disposable single-use batteries) in the trash. 

Of the many types of batteries, alkaline batteries are the most commonly used in our homes. Rechargeable batteries are recyclable. Although an environmentally safe recycling process is not yet universally available for single use alkaline batteries, they too must be safely disposed. Remember that “dead” batteries are not completely dead and must be stored and thrown away correctly to prevent fires.


LCWC members participate in an ongoing collection of toiletries and personal care items for victims of Domestic Violence and homeless shelter programs. We have taken toiletry items to The Crossroads Program for special women recently released from prison or jail (San Gabriel Valley, CA). We have also taken items to the Union Rescue Mission Shower program and to the Glendale YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter. 

Sample of travel size toiletry items could include: shampoos, conditioners, soaps, lotions, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, deodorant, razors, towelettes, feminine products, combs, or washcloths.


We have added crayons to our Environment collection in support of The Crayon Initiative. Check out their website –


The Crayon Initiative was born one night when Bryan Ware and his family went out for dinner. While his boys sat coloring on the menu, Bryan couldn’t help but wonder where restaurant crayons end up, when all the people go home.

Turns out, it’s the landfill-making a big waxy mess that never biodegrades. Why, Bryan thought, couldn’t they be re-purposed to create more joy in the world? He took the crayons home and got busy-figuring out the art of collecting and sorting old crayons, melting them down, and remanufacturing them in a bright, clean, paper-free form.

Consulting an occupational therapist, he even gave his new crayons a unique design-large and three-sided, not round-so they’re easy for kids to grip and can’t roll off hospital trays.

As part of the Staples Writing Tools Recycling Program, we can drop off your used or unwanted crayons at our local Staples Store who will ship them to The Crayon Initiative at no cost! Finally, Bryan crafted a network for sending free crayons to kids in hospitals all over the country. Together, let’s support this worthy cause whether you live in our area or not!