As a member of the La Crescenta Woman’s Club, members have the opportunity to work with other members on an international, state and local basis serving the needs of our communities. By joining our Club, our members become members of our District (SGVD), State (CFWC) & International Organization (GFWC).  

The General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) is one of the world’s largest and oldest women’s volunteer organizations, established in 1890.  GFWC, whose motto is “Unity in Diversity” represents more than a dozen countries and has over 100,000 members, dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service.   GFWC is headquartered in Washington, D.C.

Historic accomplishments include (1) Founding more than 75 percent of our nations’ libraries, (2) Developing kindergarten programs in public schools, (3) Working for food and drug regulation, and (4) Leading the drive for emergency relief support.

The California Federation of Women’s Clubs. (CFWC)  was organized in January 1900 and became the thirty-seventh state to join the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in May of the same year.  “Strength United is Stronger” was chosen as the motto and still holds true today as the Clubs working together make a difference throughout the world. 

The goals of the CFWC include (1) Building leaders and Training volunteers, (2) Providing service to those in need, (3) Active advocacy in legislation, (4) Encouraging enrichment programs for members, and (5) creating opportunities for volunteerism.

The San Gabriel Valley District (SGVD) consists of 28 Federated Clubs and 3 affiliate groups with a combined membership of approximately 1,400.  San Gabriel Valley District is located in AREA B within the California Federation of Women’s Clubs (CFWC) membership.


Working through national, state and district affiliates, local clubs have the ability to utilize expertise available at all levels.  Advantages of membership include:

  • Publications
  • Fellowship
  • Friendship
  • Networking
  • Personal Growth
  • Leadership Opportunity
  • Group Support In Accomplishing Objectives

When you join the La Crescenta Woman’s Club you become a member of all of the above affiliates.  A portion of your dues each year is sent by our Club to each of these affiliations8